Family- Doefald
Diet- Herbivore
A hoofed herbivorous mammal, and part of the greater doefald family. Elinowe live in a variety of temperate and polar regions, both on the flat of Higher Falls and introduced later, due to Apt beings domesticating them, on the ledges.
Physical Characteristics
Both sexes grow antlers with the main beams beginning on the sides of the head, towards the back and just above the jaw lines. They grow upwards, commonly in symmetrical pairs, ranging from an average of 1-2 feet, although some up to 5 feet have been noted. The taller they become, the more the antlers tend to split off.
Enliowe are famous for their unique flat, leathered and thin coats. They lay over the mammal just like table cloth or drapery over a window. The root of the hair is directly connected into the spine and can be safely cut off 6 inches from the part. The coat is the number one reason they were initially domesticated by Apt beings for a variety of uses.
Underneath their coats, contrary to common belief, enliowe do not have scales. These small protective keratin scales only reside on their exposed heads and legs.
Although generally docile creatures, they can becomes aggressive during mating season or if mothers feel their fawn are in danger. Elinowe are very social animals and even short term isolation can cause severe stress. If left isolated long enough they have been shown to start calling out and trashing.
This species encompasses both migratory and sedentary herds. The elinowe which live in polar regions migrate during the Losungtlv revolution to more temperate regions, while those of temperate regions stay sedentary full cycle. Elinowe herds have been shown to merge during the Losungtlv revolution, with the polar herds joining the temperate herds.