Busalin is species of herbal leaf plant, native to the western Lowri continent, naturalized elsewhere on the left hemisphere and eventually most other temperate regions on Higher Falls.
Busalin is widely used in Witch as a garnish to top a dish. Purple is traditionally used for meat dishes and blue for seafood and grain dishes.
In contrast, other cultures more commonly use the root variety as a vegetable in stews or stir fry.
Root Variety
Another type of busalin grows in warmer climates that has long, thick tapering roots and thin, grass like stems up top. It’s taste is noted to be more bitter, with an intense crunch even after being simmered for hours.
After Mobilians visited Lowri they brought back the plant and spent many revolutions cultivating it in controlled environments, so it might adapt to the harsh desert conditions. Dongok is noted as saying “We set out to adapt busalin to the desert, but ended up with what I would call, an entirely new cuisine.